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The RheumNow Week in Review – Baricitinib Splash (6.7.18)

Dr. Jack Cush discusses the past week's news and journal articles featured on - including reports on advance practice clinicians, baricitinib, gout, disease activity, hypomagnesemia and upadacitinib.

  1. Literature review finds 4 studies showing Mirtazpine use in fibromyalgia resulted in significant improvements in pain, sleep, and quality of life. 
  2. Abbvie announced resultes of its SELECT EARLY study of MTX vs upadacitinib monotherapy in MTX-naïve RA pts. Wk 24 ACR 20 was MTX=59% and UPA 78-79%; ACR70 MTX=16% vs UPA=44-50%. UPA had less VTE than MTX.
  3. CORRONA registry study >45k pts shows betw 2002-2013 biologic use in RA & PsA rose to 62% & 52%, with significantly improved measures (CDAI, HAQ), but 35% & 25% of RA & PsA continued w/ moderate/high disease activity.
  4. JBMR reports a single center study showing that among 53 severe osteoporosis patients treated w/ teriparitide, hypomagnesemia was seen in 36% - risk factors include older age and lower baseline Mg levels. Consider monitoring Mg 
  5. Study of preclinical samples from 83 subsequent RA pts shows that double positivity (RF+ ACPA+) is associated with higher levels of proinflammatory cytokines and more rapid progression to develop #RA.
  6. FDA approves the combo drug Consensi (amlodipine and celecoxib) for Treatment of Hypertension and Osteoarthritis Pain - is this brilliant or an expensive brand of stupid?
  7. Between 2008-2016, nurse practitioner (NP) utilization in ng NP presence in primary care practices rose in rural (17.6% to 25.2%) and nonrural (15.9% to 23%) practices and was highest in states with full scope-of-practice laws for NPs. 
  8. Advance Practice Clinicians Proliferating in Specialty Practices 
  9. SPAR Predicts ILD Progression in Systemic Sclerosis  
  10. Sons of Gout Study 
  11. Long Term Remission in SLE is Possible?  
  12. FDA Approves Baricitinib 2 mg for Rheumatoid Arthritis   



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