The RheumNow Week in Review – Baricitinib Splash (6.7.18) Save

Dr. Jack Cush discusses the past week's news and journal articles featured on - including reports on advance practice clinicians, baricitinib, gout, disease activity, hypomagnesemia and upadacitinib.
- Literature review finds 4 studies showing Mirtazpine use in fibromyalgia resulted in significant improvements in pain, sleep, and quality of life.
- Abbvie announced resultes of its SELECT EARLY study of MTX vs upadacitinib monotherapy in MTX-naïve RA pts. Wk 24 ACR 20 was MTX=59% and UPA 78-79%; ACR70 MTX=16% vs UPA=44-50%. UPA had less VTE than MTX.
- CORRONA registry study >45k pts shows betw 2002-2013 biologic use in RA & PsA rose to 62% & 52%, with significantly improved measures (CDAI, HAQ), but 35% & 25% of RA & PsA continued w/ moderate/high disease activity.
- JBMR reports a single center study showing that among 53 severe osteoporosis patients treated w/ teriparitide, hypomagnesemia was seen in 36% - risk factors include older age and lower baseline Mg levels. Consider monitoring Mg
- Study of preclinical samples from 83 subsequent RA pts shows that double positivity (RF+ ACPA+) is associated with higher levels of proinflammatory cytokines and more rapid progression to develop #RA.
- FDA approves the combo drug Consensi (amlodipine and celecoxib) for Treatment of Hypertension and Osteoarthritis Pain - is this brilliant or an expensive brand of stupid?
- Between 2008-2016, nurse practitioner (NP) utilization in ng NP presence in primary care practices rose in rural (17.6% to 25.2%) and nonrural (15.9% to 23%) practices and was highest in states with full scope-of-practice laws for NPs.
- Advance Practice Clinicians Proliferating in Specialty Practices
- SPAR Predicts ILD Progression in Systemic Sclerosis
- Sons of Gout Study
- Long Term Remission in SLE is Possible?
- FDA Approves Baricitinib 2 mg for Rheumatoid Arthritis
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