The RheumNow Week in Review - 22 December 2017 Save

Dr. Jack Cush reviews highlights and news from the past week on
- FDA approves Xeljanz (tofacitinib) for use in adults with psoriatic arthritis, alone or in combo w/ MTX/DMARDs. But warns agains combining with biologics, cyclosporine or azathioprine as these have not been studied.
- SPIRIT-P1 study of Taltz (IXE) in PsA shows that after initial 24 blind, PBO & ADA pts rerandomized to IXE q2 or q4 wks==ACR20/50/70 of 69%/55%/39% for q2wk and 69%/53%/40% for q4wk at 1 yr.
- Metanalysis of 7 RCTs on IL-17 inhibitors in PsA shows a 2 fold greater ACR20 response, with no increased risk of infection, AE, TB, candida or SAE
- Swedish analysis of 38,702 AS/SpA/PsA pts (vs 200,417 gen population) shows Biological-naïve AS/PsA /SpA have no incr risk of TB risk (OR 1.2; 0.5 to 2.7); but biologic use incr risk of TB (OR 7.5)
- 320 kids with juvenile PsA from CARRA shows 1 in 5 w/ JPsA are obese and > one-third were overweight.
- FDA has studyied the safety of Gadolinium-based Contrast Agents (GBCAs)since 7/15 & now rewarns HCPs to limit GBCA to circumstances where a contrast agent is necessary & limit use of repetitive MRI w/ GBCAs
- Life expectancy at birth in the U.S. fell slightly in 2016 (for 2nd consecutive yr)-- to 78.6 years from 78.7 years in 2015, according to the CDC's National Center for Health Statistics.
- The problem of nonadherence to meds, not filling Prescriptions is a big one. NYT reviews it stating that the only promising solution is cheaper meds
- 21.4 million Americans (9.6%) have tinnitus; 1/4 have for more than 15 years; 36% its constant & in 7.2% its a big problem. Assoc w/ loud noises at work (OR 3.3) or during recreation time (OR 2.6); AAO-HNSF has guidelines
- Rain May Not Cause Achy Joints - Analysis of 11.6 milion medicare outpatient visits shows no association between rainy (or # rainy) days & visits for back pain, arthritis
- Claims data shows kids with SLE have high health care utilization in the year preceding pedi-SLE Dx (seen for CP, VTE, thrombocytopenia, AKI) suggests a substantial failure to dx pSLE early
- Incidence of giant cell arteritis in Western Norway 1972–2012:16.7 per 100,000 over age 50, Women 2-3 fold higher risk; peak 70-79 yrs (34.5/100k)
- Olmstead Co (Mayo) study shows rising incidence of gout (67-->137/100000) from 1989 to 2010 is associated w/ rising rates of comorbidity (HTN 54->69%; DM 6-25%; CKD 11-28%; morbid obesity 10-29%)
- Allopurinol Dose Escalation is Safe with Severe CKD
- Risk of Gout Onset and Flare Linked to Urate Levels
- Frequency of Rheumatoid Knee Replacements Down in the Biologic Era
- Baseline Risk Score Predicts Serious Infection Risk in TNF-Treated RA Patients
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