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RheumNow Podcast – Rheumatologist Salaries (12.21.18)

Dr. Jack Cush reviews the news from RheumNow for the week ending 12/21/18.

  1. Study from the UK BSRBR registry shows 34 cancers & 41 deaths in 709 pts. Risk of CA w/ TNFi was not increased (SIR 0.94; 95% CI 0.65,1.34) (but for 2 fold incr risk of nonmelanoma skin CA) & all-cause mortality rate was increased (SMR 1.56) from CV events   
  2. Clinical pain severity & disability in OA is higher amongst African Americans vs Whites. Metanalysis of 61 articles shows higher pain severity in AA using the WOMAC (0.57; 95%CI: 0.54, 0.61) & non-WOMAC studies (0.35; 95%CI: 0.23, 0.47). Journal of Pain.   
  3. Check out Vinay Prasads @VPplenarysesh Plenary Session Podcast that discusses studies on Fish oils and MTX in cardiology - the CIRT NEJM study appears at 35:23 - interesting to hear non-Rheum views on this approach   
  4. Bing Bingham MD talking on immune related adverse events (MSK and autoimmune). Says these occur in 3-5% of cancer pts treated with Checkpoint inhibitors. Unofficial surveys show nearly 50% of Rheums have seen these referrals. #MARS #ARTHROS
  5. With irAEs arthralgias snd arthritis are common, but also can present as tendinitis tenosynovitis, dactylitis, PMR and most are seronegative     
  6. 27yoF w/ chronic 4 mos b/l knee effusions (SF WBC=22K, -C/S), MRI synovitis only, Labs normal but with +ANA 1:160, neg Parvo, B27, RF, CCP, RPR, HCV/HBV, ESR and CRP. No resp to NSAIDs or IA steroids. DX?   
  7. Rheumatologist and Physician Salaries for 2018     
  8. Nailfold Videocapillaroscopy in Dermatomyositis 
  9. H2H: Ixekizumab vs. Adalimumab in Psoriatic Arthritis   
  10. Early Registration for RheumNow Live march 22-24, 2019 in Fort Worth, TX



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