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The RheumNow Week in Review – 14 April 2017

Dr. Jack Cush reviews the past week's news, articles and advances from

  1. Nurses Health Study shows after adjusting for smoking & obesity, a healthy diet significantly lowers risk of #RA
  2. Can you use 20 mg x3d to distinguish betw RA & OA? 95 pt study shows responses in 50% of RA, 20% OA. PPV 0.77, NPV 0.7
  3. Swedish Registry shows lymphoma risk in RA is higher, as in in historical cohorts, but DMARD & TNFi don't increase lymphoma  risk
  4. Study of RA & population, higher BMI assoc with higher CRP, especially in women with severe obesity. ESR too, but men different
  5. Educating pts on exercise and using pedometers and step goals shown to significantly improve fatigue levels in #RA
  6. Safety data not equal betw RA & psoriasis. Death/SAE is 40% less in Pso; RA pts 2x rates of SAE, more cardiac, infx
  7. 53,477 new Rx of TNFi shows 37% adherent & 83% persistent; Lowest in young adults, with comorbidity, hospitalizations or  ER visits
  8. Acute Steroid Use Comes with Risk 
  9. Celecoxib Plus PPI Preferred in High Risk Patients
  10. Spinal Manipulation Equal to NSAIDS for Acute Low Back Pain.
  11. Systematic review of Osteoporosis Drugs shows Uncertain Efficacy with CKD 
  12. Stroke Risk Highest in the First Year of Lupus  


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