The RheumNow Week in Review – 14 April 2017 Save

Dr. Jack Cush reviews the past week's news, articles and advances from
- Nurses Health Study shows after adjusting for smoking & obesity, a healthy diet significantly lowers risk of #RA
- Can you use 20 mg x3d to distinguish betw RA & OA? 95 pt study shows responses in 50% of RA, 20% OA. PPV 0.77, NPV 0.7
- Swedish Registry shows lymphoma risk in RA is higher, as in in historical cohorts, but DMARD & TNFi don't increase lymphoma risk
- Study of RA & population, higher BMI assoc with higher CRP, especially in women with severe obesity. ESR too, but men different
- Educating pts on exercise and using pedometers and step goals shown to significantly improve fatigue levels in #RA
- Safety data not equal betw RA & psoriasis. Death/SAE is 40% less in Pso; RA pts 2x rates of SAE, more cardiac, infx
- 53,477 new Rx of TNFi shows 37% adherent & 83% persistent; Lowest in young adults, with comorbidity, hospitalizations or ER visits
- Acute Steroid Use Comes with Risk
- Celecoxib Plus PPI Preferred in High Risk Patients.
- Spinal Manipulation Equal to NSAIDS for Acute Low Back Pain.
- Systematic review of Osteoporosis Drugs shows Uncertain Efficacy with CKD
- Stroke Risk Highest in the First Year of Lupus
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