The RheumNow Week in Review – EULAR18 Epilogue (6.22.18) Save

Dr. Jack Cush reviews EULAR 2018 and the past week's news and reports from, including DMARDs in OA, the price of Penicillamine, Infections when ANCA+, CV outcomes in gout, NSAIDs in Pregnancy and Seropostive vs. Seronegative Outcomes.
- Metanalysis of 11 RCTs show that DMARDs and biologics are no better than Placebo in treating symptomatic Osteoarthritis
- Pts w/ ANCA+ assoc vasculitis may be at risk for serious infection, esp during induction. Study of 248 pts shows SIE in 1/3 of pts - risk factors for SIE include: Age, smoking, Cr ≥5.7, CD4+ T cell< 281, IV-CYC
- Among 113 JIA patients, screening with fecal calprotectin levels found 7/113 with two consecutive elevations of FC. On colonscopy, all patients had IBD.
- Using medicare claims data, Singh & Cleveland show that elderly >65 yrs gout pts have a risk of MI = 4.1 per 1000 PYs and is 2 fold higher than those without gout.
- Unbelievable!t Cuprimine (Penicillamine) is one of the most expensive drugs on the market. Annual cost $31,426 ($261.89/tablet) & for Wilson’s Disease. >50yrs old, side effect ridden & objectionably expensive! Shame on Valeant. Congress help w/ drug prices
- NSAID Use Around Conception Increases Miscarriage Risk
- The Stress - Autoimmune Disease Connection
- Seronegative and Seropositive Rheumatoids Respond Equally Well
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