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RheumNow Podcast – You Owe Me a DEXA (3.15.19)

    1. Dr. Jack Cush reviews this week's news and highlights from
  1. 2,933 adults >50 yrs went to the ER with a new vertebral fracture (2008-2014) but 98% did not have a DXA in 2yrs before and 1 yr after; and only 7% started OP Rx; In the ensuing 2 yrs, 38% developed another Fx
  2. #1 Humira tops list of top selling drugs of 2018 at $19.9 Billion worldwide sales. Other Rheum drugs include #6 Rituxan $6.9 billion and #10 Stelara $5.2 billion
  3. Study of 1021 Scleroderma patients from the EUSTAR cohort shows progressive skin fibrosis (>5 mRSS in 1 yr) was associated with significant lung function decline (FVC worse ≥10% (53.6% vs 34.4%; p<0.001) and all-cause mortality (15.4% vs 7.3%; p=0.003).
  4. Osteoarthritis Initiative shows weight loss (>5% BMI) in obese and overweight persons resulted in a lower risk of knee cartilage loss assessed by MRI after 8 yrs; results only seen in diet only or diet + exercise pts.
  5. 23 year followup of the COBRA trial shows that early aggressive treatment with SSZ or combination + Tapered prednisone yields a long term survival equal to the general population; thereby negating RA potential to incr mortality 
  6. CORRONA Registry - Chronic opioid use doubled 2002-2015, rising from 7.4% to 16.9%. Strongest predictors included severe pain (HR 2.53), antidepressant use (HR 1.79), high Dz activity (HR 1.55) & high disability (HR 1.45). 
  7. Lower TNF Inhibitor Persistence in Spondylitis 
  8.  EULAR Consensus Guidelines for Juvenile Localized Scleroderma   
  9. Tramadol May be Associated with Increased Mortality in Osteoarthritis     



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