The RheumNow Week in Review - 23 March 2018 Save

Dr. Jack Cush reviews the highlights from the news, journals and major meetings. New announcements and approval from the FDA; novel associations between ANCA vasculitis and thyroid disease; flare rates after arthroplasty; and pregnancy outcomes for men and women.
- FDA Arthritis Advisory Committee will meet on April 23rd to discuss the NDA for Eli Lilly's JAK inhibitor - baricitinib in moderate to severe RA. Discussion will be around risk:benefit assessment, dose selection & the risk of venous thromboembolic events.
- FDA Approves Ilumya (tildrakizumab) for Moderate-to-Severe Plaque Psoriasis. It binds p19 subunit of IL-23, inhibiting binding to IL-23 receptor. Given as 100 mg sc at Wk 0, 4 & q 12wks; this is the2nd IL-23 inhib approved for Pso.
- Norfolk registry study of 431 inflammatory arthritis pts shows 82% still on MTX after 2 years. Early MTX failure associated with RF+, younger onset age, high DAS-28. MTX discontinuations for AE less likely if RF-positive
- In a RCT of 106 hip osteoarthritis patients, intramuscular glucocorticoid injection shown to be significantly better than placebo injx in all outcomes for up to 12-weeks
- Study from German RABBIT Registry of 885 RA patients treated with tocilizumab finds that treatment success with TCZ similar in pts with no, 1 or 2 prior bDMARD failures, but less with with ≥ 3 bDMARD failures.
- Study of 279 patients with ANCA Associated vasculitis shows a high prevalence of thyroid disease - 21.5% - mostly females with MPO Abs and renal disease.
- Flares are frequent in patients in 120 RA undergoing arthroplasty (THA, TKA); by 6 wks 63%. Flare more freq with higher disease activity (OR=2), ESR, CRP, Pain; but not affected by biologic use.
- Pregnancy study from Quebec finds 51 Pregs exposed to leflunomide during 1st trimester; 21 during the 2nd/3rd trimesters but was not associated with an increased risk of congenital malformations, Spont Ab, low birth weight or prematurity
- Danish/Swedish study of 8097 births in 6103 psoriasis women & 964 births in 753 PsA women shows increased number of maternal gestational DM, HTN & preeclampsia; and more cesarean delivery, pre-term birth & low birth weight infants; moreso with severe psoriasis
- Risk of Paternal Exposure to Anti-Rheumatic Drugs
- Shoe Inserts Disappoint with Plantar Heel Pain
- mTOR Inhibition with Sirolimus Effective in Lupus
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