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RheumNow Podcast – EULAR 2019 Streamin' - (6.14.19)

Editor's note: July 1 - 5, RheumNow is running the best of the EULAR 2019 meeting. Dr. Jack Cush reports from Madrid on several novel presentations from EULAR 2019.

1. Genovese Vagal nerve stimulator in RA

2. Low dose steroids in Hand OA

3. Statins in Takayasus 

4. Early AMPLE – ABA vs ADA in double positive RA Pts

5. TRAPS patients from the EUROFEVER registry 

6. Psoriasis predictors of PSA 

7. RA is getting Milder

8. Abatacept unsuccessful in Sjogren’s syndrome  

9. Tildrakizumab

10.    Fenebrutinib  



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