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2023 Rheumatology Year in Review

Dr. Jack Cush reviews highlights, advances and hot topics in rheumatology from 2023 and the RheumNow website.  

2023 was a year of growth and new horizons while returning to operational and practice standards (in care and education) established before the pandemic.  

Below is my top 10 list (in no particular order) of 2023 advances, game-changers, and developments that changed or will soon change rheumatologic practices.

The 2023 Rheumatology Year in Review

  1. FDA Regulatory Actions
  2. Biosimilar breakout
  3. Polymyalgia spotlight
  4. CAR–T Therapy
  5. Artificial intelligence in medicine
  6. Virtual Learning 
  7. Diabetes Drugs 
  8. Growth of Autoimmune disease
  9. Poorer Outcomes in Women
  10. Difficult to Treat Disease
  11.        In Memoriam


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