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Lung Preservation with Tocilizumab in Early Systemic Sclerosis

Arthritis & Rheumatology has published the results of a subanalysis from tocilizumab (TCZ) clinical trials showing that Il-6 inhibition was associated with preservation of lung function patients with early systemic sclerosis (SSc).

The focuSSced trial included 210 patients with early diffuse SSc, two-thirds (136) of whom had interstitial lung disease. While those on TCZ showed no change in forced vital capacity (FVC), there was a decline in FVC in placebo-treated patients over 48 weeks (least squared mean change -0.1% TCZ vs. ‐6.3% PBO).  The same differences were noted for those with mild, moderate, and severe ILD between groups (TCZ ‐4.1, 0.7, and 2.1; vs  PBO ‐10.0, ‐5.7, and ‐6.7).

Tocilizumab in early SSc with interstitial lung disease stabilized forced vital capacity over 48 weeks and treatment‐related preservation was independent of radiographic fibrosis severity.


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