The RheumNow Week in Review – 12 May 2017 Save

Dr. Jack Cush highlights the big stories, news and articles from this week at
- Prevalence of PsA is increasing in Denmark (7.3 in 1997 to 27.3/100k PY 2010), higher in women, ages 50-59yrs, also more DMARD and biologic use
- Minocycline can be a potential Rx option for Calcinosis related digital ulcers in Scleroderma.
- CAMERA Study: tis better to add 10mg pred to MTX than not: less Biologic use (30vs50%), less erosions, same safety
- World Lupus Day was 5/10 - Lupus must be managed as one person, one disease; not as a patient wth 4 organ systems affected, each requiring a specialist to weigh in
- Stroke is uncommon in RA 3.2/1000 PY;3 fold higher after a serious adverse event. Risks higher with age, smoking hyperlipidemia and H. Zoster!
- Adalimumab Effective in Pediatric Plaque Psoriasis
- 2017 Medscape review shows Avg Rheumatologist Salary = $235K, 25% have a networth >$2million, 17% paying school loans, 11% claim financial losses from practice
- EUSTAR Study: Scleroderma patients with anti-RNA polymerase III Abs have higher risk of cancer (OR 7.38), especially with higher age & more skin involvement.
- ACP Guideline Recommends Generic Bisphosphonates But Limits DEXA Use
- NSAIDs Increase Risk of Acute Myocardial Infarction
- CDC Shows a 40% Lifetime Risk of Symptomatic Hand Osteoarthritis
- OARSI has submitted 103pg white paper to FDA declaring OA is a "serious dz with no current satisfactory treatments"
- HUMOR Study - Humira shown to have no effect in hand OA. 43pt crossover RCT #OARSI mtg.
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