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One in Ten is Bad! (5.12.2023)

This week on the Podcast Dr. Jack Cush reviews the news and journal articles, including the risks of dying, developing RA or autoimmune disease!

  1. Does King Charles have Sausage Digits (dactylitis) or OA?

  2. The Card - Look up Sausage digits - ReaA, PsA, SpA, MCTD, SSc, JIA, Sarcoid, sickle cell

  3. Study of 6039 NHL hockey players showed mortality rates were similar between fighters & controls (3.9% v4.2%) & Penalized vs not (7.1.% v 5.5%). Yet controls lived (~56yrs) avg of 10 yrs longer than fighters/penalized (~46yrs) w/ more suicide & overdose

  4. Another NHANES survey of US adults shows increased prevalence of RA for those exposed to high levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH)(OR: 1.8; p=0.02). 90% of the smoking effect on RA risk is mediated by PAH

  5. Study of 481 incident RA: - no risk of RA w/ tea, alcohol & sugar-soft drinks - Incr RA risk seen w/ coffee [≥4 vs ≤1cup, HR=1.24;p=0.04] & diet drinks [HR=1.66;never-smokers] - Reduced RA risk w/ mod EtOH (ever-smokers;HR=0.63) & wine (seropos RA)

  6. DDW 2023 study claims microscopic colitis (MC) pts had a 2fold higher risk of #RA. 11,293 MC pts matched 1:5 w/ population controls. With 8 yrs of F/U, RA was found in 1.1% of MC vs 0.6% controls (adj HR 1.92 (95% CI = 1.56-2.34).

  7. JAMA: in 2020, 42 114 deaths in the US were related to falls, with 86% occurring among adults aged >65 years. Falls are a leading cause of injury and leading causes of death among older adults in the US - And these #s are increasing betw '99 & 2020

  8. Orphan drugs target rare dz <200k. New drugs (2008-2016) compared 5 yr sales 86 orphan Rx to 232 non-orphan = similar sales- Orphan ($719 mill) vs nonorphan ($812 mill). But orphan Rx lower volume offset by higher prices (7X higher) than nonorphan drugs

  9. In 2020 Filgotinib (Jyseleca) did not seek FDA approval over FDA concerns & pending RCTs on safety & spermatogenesis. Now the results (MANTA & MANTA-RAy) are published showing FIL has no effect on semen & sex hormones. But still no filgotinib in USA

  10. In 2022 COVID slid from the #3 to the #4 cause of death in USA, accounting for nearly a quarter million deaths, a 47 percent decrease from the 462,193 Covid-related deaths in 2021. Most COVID deaths occured in the first few mos of 2022

  11. JAKinib safety takeaways - avoid in older population 65 yo, malignancy, CV risk, VTE risk - appropriate in younger pts without VTE/CVD risk factors #RNL2023 @RheumNow

  12. 2010 Colchicine Price Hikes Adversely Affected Gout Care

  13. One in Ten has Autoimmune Disease

  14. Tuesday Night Rheumatology: POD 3: Vasculitis: Evolution and Advances Live lectures audience Q & A: -New Therapies for PMR & GCA -Assessment of GCA and PMR -GPA Treatment Choices


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