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RheumNow Podcast – Sweet Lies or Hard Truths? (2.26.2021)

Dr. Jack Cush reviews and discusses the news and Journal reports from the past week on

  1. Single center, 40 yr experience shows lupus psychosis to be rare. Among 709 SLE pts, 18 (2.5%) developed lupus psychosis. 2/3 remitted w/ antipsychotics & immunosuppressives Psychosis more likely w/ RNP and less likely w/ cardiolipin Abs.

  2. Psoriasis has greatest risk of MTX liver dz - a Danish Population study of PsO, PsA & RA pts taking MTX. Risk of liver Dz was most in PsO, followed by PsA, then RA. PsO had 1.6-3.4 fold risk (mild-severe) liver dz (vs RA). PsA was 1.3-1.6x higher)

  3. Lung Preservation w/ Tocilizumab in Early Systemic Sclerosis Arthritis & Rheumatology has published the results of a subanalysis from TCZ clinical trials showing that Il-6 inhibition is related with preservation of lung function patients with early SSc.

  4. A San Paolo study of the relevance of anti-Jo-autoAbs in 118 dermatomyositis patients; 8.5% of whom were Jo-1 positive. Jo-1+ had more "mechanic's hands," joint and lung disease; & low/no chance for remission and more steroid & immunosuppressive use

  5. Data from Danish Medical Birth Register shows PREG women w/ spondyloarthritis have more adverse pregnancy outcomes - including preterm birth (OR 1.5), elective C-section (OR 1.44), & epidurals (OR 1.11). Not increased were preeclampsia & rate small wt.

  6. Medscape has published the 2021 Rheumatologist Lifestyle, Happiness & Burnout Report.

  7. Analysis of incident #RA in UK Clinical Practice registry shows recent prednisone >=7.5mg/d is assoc w/ hypertension in RA. In 17760 RA pts, 42% were Rx steroids; recent GC yielded a 17% increase in HTN (HR 1.17); only >7.5mg/D implicated

  8. Measureable Benefits to Treat-to-Target Management in RA

  9. Diagnosis & Treatment of Osteoarthritis Reviewed


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