RheumNow Podcast – The Beginning of Something Else (4.10.20) Save
Dr Jack Cush reviews the news and journal reports from the past week on RheumNow.com
- We are delighted to announce that Kenneth Saag, MD MSc @KenSaag will serve as our next #UABRheumatology Division Director effective July 1st 2020 @uabmedicine @UABSOM @UABNews https://t.co/PMjhpWIptp
- A population based study of newly diagnosed with ITP (betw 2000 -2013) shows that ITP is associated with an increased risk of SLE (adjusted HR 25.1; CI 13.7 to 46.0). Other risk factors for SLE were female and Sjogren's https://t.co/vs5YBZbzCB
- Further support for #PhysicalTherapy in knee #osteoarthritis, with this RCT demonstrating benefit over i.a. glucocorticoid injection. Congrats to @danrhon. @OARSInews @ACRheum https://t.co/2gsmqo9CM1 https://t.co/kXjus3pBlU
- "Often when you think you're at the end of something, you're at the beginning of something else." -Mr. Rogers
- As of Apr 5 at 8pm 9,633 Americans have died from coronavirus & with at least 337,000 confirmed infections (since 2/29/20). Worldwide over 1.2 million infected and more than 69,000 have died. https://t.co/0hMYktHLRJ THE NUMBERS AS OF 4/10/20 10am IS 486, 490 INFECTED AND 18,002 DEATHS (WORLDWIDE: 1.6 MILLION AND 101526 DEATHS)
- COVID-19: GI involvment does occur. Diarrhea in 3-24%, Nausea 10-18%, vomiting <4% and increased LFTs in up to one-third; and 28% of those with GI symptoms may not have respiratory symptoms. Virus has been found in stool samples. https://t.co/pErYDwuodT
- Acute necrotizing encephalopathy a rare complication of COVID-19. Damage either from viral damage or cytokine storm, Symmetric, multifocal lesions @brain stem, cerebral white matter, cerebellum, thalamus w/ internal hemorrhage https://t.co/cWs1rsgzrO https://t.co/jura3IzkNI
- Children have a lower frequency of illness or death from COVID-19. Illness affects ~1% of those under 19yrs. In US, there have been no COVID ICU admissions or deaths among 4226 COVID patients under 19yrs (3/16/20). But kids may be carriers https://t.co/pyeTro5nJr
- An analysis of 383 patients with COVID-19 found that obese men in particular have an increased risk of developing severe pneumonia with the virus. As data from this pandemic continues to emerge, it is important to understand those…https://t.co/8aD8YSDkGC https://t.co/oPJ43Lncbm
- The overall cumulative hospitalization rate for COVID-19 is 4.6 per 100,000 (this is about same rate for 19-49yr olds); with the highest rates in persons > 65 years (13.8 per 100,000) and 50-64 years (7.4 per 100,000). https://t.co/1RkM3XixOU https://t.co/f19VFd8Vd3
- CDC has recommended everyone should wear a cloth face covering when in public. - Cover your mouth/nose when around others. - Wear a face cover when out in public - Do not use on children under age 2 - Do NOT use a facemask meant for a healthcare worker https://t.co/YEwVHsEeiL
- CDC report of 1st 2 COVID Seattle nursing home pts - Study of 142 staff & pts found 3 residents (3.8%) & 2 staff (3.2%) w/ positive tests yet they had no Sxs; confirming impact of social distancing, visitor restriction, testing, & current hygiene practices https://t.co/thLRfDWLY0
- Incubation Period for COVID-19 http://rheumnow.com/content/incubation-period-covid-19
- NICE Guidelines on Managing Rheumatologic Conditions During COVID-19 Pandemic http://rheumnow.com/content/nice-guidelines-managing-rheumatologic-condi...
The author has no conflicts of interest to disclose related to this subject
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