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Methotrexate in OA (10.20.2023)

Dr. Jack Cush discusses the news, journal articles and regulatory actions. This week we discuss JAKne, DLE and SLE and more.

  1. was associated with an elevated odds of acne (OR 3-5 for UPA, TOFA, BARI, Deucra; but higher for abrocitinib (OR 13.5). Seen in Derm pts but hardly at all in Rheum pts

  2. 12.3 million Americans over 50 have osteoporosis; 47 million have osteopenia. W/ OP Fx the risk of repeat Fx is highest in 1st 6 mos, yet 8% of Medicare pts w/ Fx have a diagnostic bone density scan (less in African Americans 5%)

  3. Tocilizumab Use in #GCA. In 10 yrs, 114 GCA pts started on TCZ after mean 4.5 mos & Rx for 2.3 yrs. GCA Relapse rates: - before TCZ 0.84/PY - on TCZ 0.28/PY (P<0.001) - post TCZ D/C 0.64/PY 52 pts D/C TCZ after 16.8 mos & 27 (52%) relapsed after 8.4 mo

  4. Sleep problems in SpA & PsA? Study of 201 pts shows 43% of axSpA and 47% of PsA pts reported sleep problems. In both poor sleep assoc w/ dz activity. In axSpa it signif assoc w/ Dz activity (OR 8.45),biologic use (OR .24), & CRP levels (OR .16)

  5. Anifrolumab was studied in 7 adolescents w/ resistant #DLE (discoid); given 6 monthly IV doses. All had signif decreases in skin CLASI-A scores (72%) at 1 month (P =.01), sustained at 6-mo F/U. SLEDAI-2K score also decr by 7 pts; 1 had HSV-1 reactivation

  6. Canadian survey of 620 pts w/ chronic & debilitating arthritis, shows the majority (76%) are free of psychiatric disorders (76%) & in good (complete) mental health (56%); fostered by having a confidant, & being without insomnia, depression/anxiety

  7. Could Methotrexate Work in Hand Osteoarthritis? 

  8. 2023 EULAR Lupus Management Recommendations

  9. FDA Approves Bimekizumab for Plaque Psoriasis

  10. Tuesday Nite Rheumatology - Steroid-sparing drugs in PMR. Featuring Panelists: Drs. David Liew, Robert Spiera, Sarah Mackie, Anisha Dua Moderator: Dr. Sebastian Sattui

  11. Next on TNR - Controversies in PMR


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