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Weak Data (1.24.2025)

Dr. Jack Cush reviews the news and journal reports from

He features Dr. Charity Dean, the Keynote speaker at RheumNow Live 2025 and why she is an inspiration.

  1. Korean Biologics (KOBIO) registry showed SpA pts have higher risk of infection. 2,129 AS pts (7108 PY FU) most common was respiratory infx (26/1000 PY), followed by herpes zoster (6/1000 PY) Risk includes age, ischemic CV Dz, diabetes, CKD, peripheral arthritis.…
  2. French cross-sectional study of pts on stable sc MTX x several yrs. Examined MTX polyglutamates (MTX-PGs) & disease activity in 34 RA pts (25 remission). + correlation between RA remission & high MTX-PG3 levels in pts w/ BMI <25. BMI may limit utility of PG3 levels
  3. RA higher risk of Celiac Dz -- Rheumatic Dz administrative data review (2004–2013)compared 70,061 #RA w/ 276,895 controls, median F/U 9 yrs. (IQR 9–9). Celiac Prevalence higher in RA (171/70,061 = 0.24% vs 398/276895 = 0.14%; p < 0.001), more so in females w/ RA…
  4. Korean population-based study shows that from 2010 to 2023 prevalence of ank Spondylitis (AS) increased 27 per 100,000 (2010) to 82 per 100,000 (2023). Also increasing were # of pts >50 yrs (20-33%), #females (18-24%), Comorbidities, TNFi use (30-43%), while csDMARDs declined.…
  5. A substantial # of pts with inflammatory arthritis (IA) are not receiving adequate treatment for depression and anxiety(same as those IA-free controls). Canadian study of 6,951 w/ IA & depression, on 50% recv treatment & 20% psych. Rx for depression. Similar for 3,701 w/ IA &…
  6. Systematic review of 14 studies using administrative/med. records data on >130 million people & 1 million dementia cases, finds the risk of Alzheimers/Dementia reduced w/ Antimicrobials, vaccines & NSAID antiinflammatories (but incr w/ DM drugs, vitamins, antipsychotics)…
  7. Metanalysis of 11 studies shows that curcumin (tumeric) can reduce pain, muscle damage and inflammation in athletes following vigorous physical exercise. "pre- and post-exercise curcumin consumption.. assoc w/ better outcomes in muscle recovery, pain & antioxidant capacity"…
  8. Lung Involvement in Still's Disease A multicentre registry observational study assessed lung involvement in a cohort of Still’s disease patients, affirming pleuritis as most common and that parenchymal lung inflammatory disease is very uncommon in both children and adults.…
  9. Population survey study of 933 gout pts (mean 58 yrs, 76% male,80% white) found total gout flare burden = 6.6 gout flares per year. Nearly 72% of gout flares were not reported, pretreated or prevented. Those less likely to report flares were young, less school, lower CCI, less…
  10. post hoc analysis of 4 registration trials of pegloticase, show rates of MACE and Thromboembolic Events were Infrequent (<1.5%; 35.4 events/1000 PY), similar to general gout population (31.7 events/1000 person-years)
  11. Medicare has announced another 15 expensive drugs (now total 25) undergoing price negotiation with manufacturers. Enbrel and Stelara were in the 1st ten. Included in the next 15 Rx are Ofev (nintenib) & Otezla (apremilast) & GLP-1 drugs.
  12. Study of predominantly older males from the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) data, shows the use of b/ts-DMARDs is not associated with a risk for multiple myeloma. From 27,540 RA pts, 30% took b/tsDMARD, 77 incident MM (HR1.32;95% CI 0.78, 2.26)
  13. Getting to Remission - Without Biologics
  14. Register for RheumNow Live 2025 and hear Keynote Speaker, Dr. Charity Dean --> click here
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