RheumNow Podcast - COVID Kids and Men (5.15.20) Save
Dr. Jack Cush reviews the news and journal articles from the past week on RheumNow.com.
- An Interview with Dr. Barry Gruber on Why you Can't Delay Denosumab infusions. Watch it here>> https://t.co/XKQ9a0p1nJ or listen on iTunes https://t.co/FHJv01AAbC or SoundCloud https://t.co/zUlIDAFmtA
- Tuesday Nite Rheumatology Grand Rounds by Dr. Joan Merrill (OMRF) on "What Does COVID-19 Have to do with LUPUS". Watch it here>>https://t.co/q5Om4CQAnP or listen on iTunes or here>> https://t.co/yJWsmds0cg
- Interview w/ Private Practice Rheums on Covid - Drs. Herb Baraf and Danny Ricciardi. DC & Brooklyn Docs wrangle echnology, Telehealth, Return to normal, the future and more. Watch it here>> https://t.co/TaMbiF9MLC or listen on iTunes or here>> https://t.co/G7sR23bwLW
- God Bless our Nurses! Happy Nurse Week! https://t.co/5TRitXfvpu
- New ACR Guidelines for Gout Management
- Metanalysis shows Type 2 DM associated with >2-fold increased risk (aHR 2.25) of severe liver disease (NAFLD); a more modest risk w/ obesity (HR 1.20); other risk variables - low HDL, high triglycerides & hypertension were independently associated https://t.co/uUdARZYkqG
- Hungarian population study of incident SLE (4503 pts) and treated SLE pts (2582) finds standardized mortality ratio elevated in SLE (1.63 and 2.09). cause of death differed only for infection with infection-related deaths more common in SLE. https://t.co/IEkfShjCt1
- Study shows a 55% drop in hospitalizations during COVID - drops by discipline - 57% cardiology, 55% breast, 37% cancer 91% Ophthalmology, 74% orth, ; 72% ENT, 67% derm, 67% GI, 66% rheumatology, 62% urology, and 58% hepatology. https://t.co/Z9eqPmn5wU
- A new feature of COVID-19; "Covid toes" manifest as multifocal, asymmetric, erythema, ecchymoses, ischemic changes that blister or appear vasculitic. The toes, heel and soles can be affected. Healing in 12-20 days. https://t.co/Isqn9ebnQj
- Why are more MEN (severely?) affected in COVID-19? Men have higher levels of circulating ACE2 (unrelated to ACEi or ARB HTN meds) based on a Biobank study of 1485 men, 537 women. ACE2 is found in lungs, heart, kidneys, vessels & testes https://t.co/CWXevTNYWm
- Anakinra studied in COVID(+) ARDS (nonICU) pts w/ high CRP L or ferritin; 29 high dose Anakinra vs 17 controls. At day 21, more survival with anakinra 90% vs. Controls 56% (p=0·009). Anakinra also more improved CRP+resp function (72 vs 50%) https://t.co/wxjlQG44Oc
- Plaquenil Does Not Protect Lupus Patients from COVID-19
- Pediatric Multi-System Inflammatory Syndrome
- Next week - Tuesday Nite Rheumatology with Drs. Philip Robinson (GRA registry) and Peter Nash on COVID from OZ
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